17 New Details on TVD Season Six

Julie Plec has broken her silence since the breathtaking mid-season finale of TVD. In the holiday spirit, she gave us a few Christmas gifts in the form of spoilers! So, if you’d rather get coal in your stocking than some juicy spoilers, stop reading now.

1. Paul Wesley will direct an episode. Okay, this isn’t really a spoiler, but I had to include it. He did such a great job on his episode in season 5, and I can’t wait to see how he’ll do with the drastic changes that have been made on the show since he last directed.

2. There will be a merge. The only question: which set of twins will do it? My guess is that towards the end of the season, Jo and Kai will. Then we’ll think everything is fine and then… character death. I’m looking at you, Sheriff.

3. More than one person will die. There’s been a few rumors swirling the internet that Caroline might meet her demise; how sad would it be for Liz to watch her daughter die, all the while being on her own deathbed? Though, Caroline dying doesn’t seem to be a likely outcome. However, one of the golden trio (I’m talking Elena, Damon, and Stefan) have also been rumored to be leaving the show, so only time will tell on this one.

4. We will finally meet the real Sarah Salvatore. Am I the only one who is really excited for this? Just think of all the agonizing drama (which we love) that’ll spark between Stefan and Damon when the elder Salvatore brother finds out that the baby he had regretted killing all those years ago is, indeed, alive.

5. Bonnie will return. Plec went on to add, “… but when? And how will her experiance have changed her?” Oh, Julie – you’re killing us!

6. In separate flashbacks, we’ll get to meet young Caroline and young Stefan. I really enjoyed seeing Caroline and her mother interact in the flashback of the mid-season finale. Mostly, I liked getting a feel of her mother and father’s relationship, pre-divorce. And a young Stefan? Now we’ll get a chance to see if he was always so handsome, or if we have puberty to thank for his good looks.

7. There will be A LOT of kissing, by more than one couple. Let’s see, Elena and Damon, Tyler and Liv, Jo and Alaric… and hopefully some Stefan and Caroline action!

8. Stefan fixes a friendship… and then some. Could this be the moment we’ve been waiting for?! FINGERS CROSSED. (Unless you don’t ship Steroline, in that case, you might want to look into writing a strongly worded letter to Mrs. Julie Plec.

9. There will be a hook-up, a break-up, and a make-up… not necessarily by the same couple. Let’s throw Liv and Tyler out there for the hook up, Jo and Alaric for the break-up, and Stefan and Caroline for the make-up. Sound fair?

10. Matt gets a life calling. Let’s just hope it’s not vampire hunting, because then he’d have to kill most of his childhood friends, and that just might be more traumatizing than living in a town full of supernatural beings.

11. Taylor takes a stand on behalf of his girl. If it’s anything like what we saw in the mid-season finale, we can all guess he’ll either convince her not to do the merge, physically prevent her from doing so, or team up with Kai in order to let him and Jo merge.

12. Elena gets a proposition that could change her life forever. Getting her memories of Damon back would be ideal for any Delena shipper, but considering Elena was kidnapped by Kai, something tells me this is the last thing on Elena or our favorite psychopath’s mind.

13. Jeremy applies to art school. Finally! It’s been ages since we’ve seen Jeremy and his art. Since season 6 has been described as the “re-set button” of the show, it’s nice to see a character revert to a hobby from season 1.

14. We get to see an 1858 Damon. I think we can all agree that even back when he was alive and not such a bad boy, Damon was still hot.

15. Alaric falls in love. The obvious woman of his affection would be Jo, but I’m still not-so-secretly waiting for Jenna to be resurrected…

16. Enzo meets a girl. Does this mean Carenzo is out of the question? I hope not. But, I have a feeling the show’s newest brit will have a thing for Mrs. Sarah Salvatore. Hard to destroy all of Stefan’s happiness when you like one of his family members that he cares about, huh Enzo?

17. Caroline ponders the functionality of vampire blood. I can see it now, Caroline pouring over books and doing research whenever she’s not at her mother’s side… sounds a lot like the beginning of the season. But something tells me that this time, she’ll get a bit more obsessed.

17 New Details on TVD Season Six

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